Rangercast Vol. 2, Episode 1: After 10 Years, We're Free!

Rangercast returns from its decade-long hiatus with new voices and a new format. Tyler (RitoRevolto) is joined by Tori and Lamar (u/RRR-LL) as we talk about the latest in Power Rangers and tokusatsu news. Later on, we share our thoughts on the state of Power Rangers.

For more information, including links to what we talked about, read our full show notes: https://redcircle.com/shows/36d99af9-4f55-4f97-9dbb-46c0bb5c9f58/episodes/f611ad95-2ccd-424c-bb10-10843d0df41f?_ga=2.175118818.1796667796.1660415384-371120997.1657150341&_gac=1.58256984.1660013070.CjwKCAjw6MKXBhA5EiwANWLODL1MSe_jLQ1F2GcjAeJbrERUG9xr5h8t02RE_VLDR6WaOsQrrpH0tRoCglgQAvD_BwE